Children Youth & Family
B--Belong, Kids are welcome here at Grace!
L--Learn, We learn about God's love for the world.
A --Apply, We live out our faith at home and school.
S--Serve, We love God and our neighbor.
T--Tell, we share the good news of Jesus.
BLAST meets weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm to 6:25 pm September through May, for ages 3 to grade 6.
Children come to learn about God and how to follow Jesus in their lives.
BLAST concludes at 6:25 pm so families can meet in the Chapel for 30 minutes of WOW time (Worship on Wednesday).
WOW is a family friendly service with three praise songs, brief message and communion. All are welcome!
As part of BLAST, our youth spend half their time learning about God's love through music. The Alleluia Choir (grades 2-6) meet at 5:30 in the Music Room, followed by our Cherub Choir (ages 3-grade 1). Director Kris Tillotson (238-4418) would love to answer questions about these choirs, and she invites any child to come and check out the fun!​
Confirmation is for grades 7-9, with our 10th graders meet until they are confirmed on Reformation Sunday which is the last Sunday in October. Classes meet on Wednesday at 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm September through May in Fellowship Hall. Youth will meet in small groups and have a mentor. Each week will be small group check-in, large group presentation and small group discussion.
The celebration of entering God’s family is always a special occasion and is observed during a congregational worship service. As Lutherans, most of our baptisms involve infants, but any age is the right age to receive God’s promise. Find our Baptismal Form in Baptisms under the Resources tab. Arrangements for Holy Baptism are made with a pastor by contacting the church office for more information-
We believe that the decision about the age for a child to begin receiving communion is best made by each family. To help make that decision, Grace offers a workshop in the winter with pastors. The typical age for this consideration is mid-to-late elementary grades, but participants have ranged from 5 to 15 years old. We encourage you to speak with a pastor for further clarification regarding first communion.
Contact Grace for more information-
Each summer there is one week of Vacation Bible Study for 4 years old to grade 6. There is a different theme every year for the program. This is another opportunity for children to learn about God and his love in a fun-filled way. Our next VBS is scheduled for June 17 to 21, 2024.
At Grace, we believe faith formation is life long as the Holy Spirit shapes us by God's word. Adults meet on Sunday mornings, September-May between services for a casual Bible study and conversation. Bring your coffee and head to the lounge for a variety of topics. Please see Pastor Allison for more information.