Events at Grace
open Door Meal
Join us during the school year for a free community evening meal each Wednesday. Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and them with Me.” (Rev. 3:20).
Come and experience the joy and love of Christ (and a hearty meal), served at Grace, with Grace, by Grace at the OPEN DOOR!
If you would like to join a team that serves a meal every other month, please contact the church office.
GOD'S GRACE IS AMAZING Day - 3rd Sunday in May
Come join in a morning of worship, service, and fellowship as our program year winds down and we head into summer! Worship begins at 9:30 am followed by outdoor and indoor local community projects and a picnic at Grace. Invite your family and friends as we share God's love in Fairmont.
God’s Work. our hands. - Sunday after labor day
As we kick off our program year, mark your calendars for a morning of worship, service, and fellowship on Sunday September 8, 2024. We will be worshiping at 9:30 am with our guest, Bishop Regina Hassanally, Bishop of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. At 10:30 am, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall to assemble health kits for Lutheran World Relief as well as a few local projects. A picnic lunch will be served at 11:30 pm. Come for a special time of loving God and our neighbors by doing service projects.