Music at Grace
There are multiple types of music and groups at Grace, including traditional and contemporary, vocal and instrumental, soloists and ensembles. If you would like to share a song or piece of music in worship, or are interested in joining a group, contact the church office at:
The Cherub (ages 3 to1st grade) and Alleluia Choir (2 to 6 grade)
Our youth choirs meet on Wednesdays during the school year and during the BLAST hour; to sing God’s praises and have fun together. Director Kris Tillotson (507-238-4418) would love to answer questions about these choirs, and she invites any child to come and check out the fun!​
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings anthems, special music, and leads portions of liturgy at the 8:30 am service. The choir rehearses at 5:30 pm on Wednesday evenings and 8:00 am on Sunday mornings. All are welcome to come and sing! ​​
Celebration Choir
This group leads music for the 10:45 am contemporary service. They meet at 6:30 pm on Monday nights and 10:15 am on Sunday mornings. The choir sings upbeat worship songs. No music experience is required and is led by Carol Madsen.
Wednesday Praise Band
This group leads Wednesday worship at 6:30 pm. The band rehearses at 5:30 pm before each service. It includes violins, rhythm, keyboards, and guitar. Any singers and musicians are welcome and encouraged to join. It is led by Jen Kahler.