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Using Grace’s Facilities



Grace Lutheran Church (GLC) recognizes that God has blessed us with wonderful facilities and property that it owns. In response, Grace is pleased to share its facilities with the community, when it is appropriate to do so. Specifically, the facilities of the church are available for activities for community organizations and companies that are compatible with the basic principles of our Christian faith. The purpose of the Facility Use Covenant is to provide direction for the use of Grace Lutheran Church (GLC) facilities and property. These policies and procedures apply to all groups using GLC’s facilities.



A request to use the church facilities should be made to the Office Coordinator at least thirty days in advance of the special activity. If Grace can accommodate the request, a signed Agreement and Release form needs to be returned to the office before the facility scheduling can be confirmed. The GLC Facility Use Covenant applies to all groups and failure to adhere to the Policies will result in cancellation of future events for the group at GLC.






Grace Lutheran Church is first and foremost a church home to over 700 members. Part of providing a church home is providing worship and fellowship space for funerals. Should it be necessary to do so, ANY special use activity may be cancelled due to a funeral. Normally, a three-day advance notice would be given. It is the responsibility of the group’s sponsor to cancel, postpone, or change the location of the activity should a funeral necessitate such action.




1.     ANIMALS: Animals are not allowed in the GLC building, unless they are service animals. An exception may be granted for particular events with permission from the Senior Pastor.


2.     BREAKAGE: All persons and/or groups using the GLC facility are expected to exercise reasonable care and judgment in order to prevent defacement, damage or breakage. The person(s) signing the Agreement for Use shall be responsible for paying costs incurred by the church in cleaning, repairing, etc. any part of the building and/or its furnishings and equipment which in the judgment of the church staff has been subjected to more than normal wear and tear by the person(s) or group(s) involved.


3.     BUILDING USE: All groups agree that they will ensure that all event participants leave the building after the event. They will be responsible for turning off all lights and closing all windows, unless specific arrangements have been made. The last group leaving the building is responsible for securing the building and locking the doors.


4.     CHURCH PROPERTY: Church property will not be borrowed or removed from church premises except for use at official church-sanctioned activities conducted off-site and with prior approval.


5.     DECORATIONS: Decorations may be attached to the walls or doors with removable tape that will not permanently damage the surface. All such decorations must be removed immediately and completely following the event.

6.     FACILITY CARE: The church area used by any group must be left clean and orderly with furniture and property returned to its designated place. Areas and facilities should be left in the same condition as originally provided. Groups are liable for any damage incurred by their group and for any cleaning or maintenance that is outside normal wear and tear. The following fee structure will be assessed if the user does not leave the facility in its original condition: $20/hour janitorial fee.


7.     FOOD AND DRINK: Food and drink should be limited to designated areas. Anyone using the church property is responsible for cleaning up after each use, both inside and outside. Groups serving food at events should clean up the food waste and place it in the garbage containers outside the building. If a private catering service is used for the event, the caterer must furnish all equipment and remove it immediately after the event. Storing of catering equipment is not permitted.


8.     KITCHEN: The kitchen must be left clean and orderly after use. Trash must be bagged and disposed of in the dumpster behind the church. Church supplies are not to be used except by church sponsored activities.


9.     NO GAMES OF CHANCE: Gambling, raffles, or bingo on the church premises is strictly prohibited.


10.  NO SMOKING/NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED: Smoking is prohibited in the GLC building and within 20 feet of doorways. There are to be no alcoholic beverages brought into the facilities or consumed on GLC property.

The exception is wine served as part of the Holy Communion under the direction of an ordained Pastor.


11.  NURSERY USE: Our safety standards require that two nursery care providers must be present to operate the nursery. At least one caregiver must be at minimum, eighteen years of age.


12.  RESPECT: Groups are responsible for supervising their own group (including children) to ensure that guidelines are followed. The groups will treat the GLC facilities and the other groups using the facilities with respect. Disrespect of GLC or disregarding the facility use covenant will result in immediate termination of the building use.


13.  SECURITY: The congregation works to maintain a safe and secure environment within the facility. However, no system is foolproof. We ask that all users pay close attention to personal property and valuables, not leaving them unattended. The congregation is not responsible for theft or damage to personal property.

If your group will be accessing the GLC facility outside of church business hours (9:00 am – 3:00 pm, Monday – Thursday), you are responsible for obtaining a security access code at least 1 business day prior to the event.


14.  SETUP: All setup of tables, chairs and other equipment is the responsibility of your group. If it is necessary to involve the church custodian in these activities, this must be specifically agreed upon ahead of time, at least one week in advance. Generally, the only responsibility of the custodian will be sweeping and mopping floors, garbage removal, cleaning bathrooms, etc.


15.  SPACE LIMITATIONS: Groups given permission to use space are limited to the area assigned, bathrooms and hall access to that space. They should not assume areas not assigned to the group are free to use.


16.  STORAGE: All organizations using the facility will be responsible for storing accessories offsite unless prior arrangements have been made through the church office.


17.  SUPERVISION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH: The congregation seeks to provide a safe environment for children and youth. All users of the facility are expected to follow the guidelines of this covenant including the following:

a.     No fewer than two adults should be present at all time during any program or event involving children.

b.    Adult supervision is required at all times both inside and outside the church property, including parking lot.


18.  WEDDINGS: See the Wedding Guidelines booklet for details, other costs, and procedures.


19.  WEDDING RECEPTIONS: Wedding receptions are separate from the charges and guidelines for the wedding services themselves. Separate Facility Use Charges do apply for receptions.


20.  WORSHIP CENTER SOUND SYSTEM: The sound system is available for use upon request. The system must be operated by trained GLC members or by individuals pre-approved by the church office. No other equipment may be attached to the church sound system without prior approval.


21.  FINAL DECISIONS: In case of doubt or uncertainty by any outside person or group about the application or interpretation of these regulations, or in customary practices not specifically mentioned here, the Congregation Council or its delegated representative shall decide the matter and all individuals or groups shall abide by the Congregation Council’s directions or forfeit the use of any part of the facility immediately.



1.     The GLC parking lot is for GLC use only. The church office must be notified of any parking over 24 hours. Violators will be towed.

2.     The GLC parking lot is not to be used for a sale of vehicles, goods, or flea markets. Scheduled activities that are in support of GLC’s mission, such as youth car washes and Missions garage sale, are permissible.



1.     The GLC facilities may be used without charge by any GLC organization


2.     The purpose of any fee is to recover GLC’s costs, including custodian support, building maintenance, building depreciation (carpets/floors/etc.), lawn care, snow removal, parking, heat, lights, garbage, any extra staff duties, etc.


3.     Custodian fees will be assessed by the Finance Director based on the amount of custodial time needed to setup, take down and clean after the event. Special room arrangements may have an additional charge.


4.     The intent of the NO FEE category is to support groups or organizations whose primary purpose is to serve people in need, but which have no financial resources from which to pay rental fees. The NO FEE category is also intended for small family functions (40 attendees or less) held at Grace by members. Examples: bridal showers, baby showers, anniversary celebrations, etc.


5.     The intent of the NOMINAL FEE category is to recoup a reasonable portion of the actual costs of providing the facilities for groups or organizations whose primary purpose is to help people of need, but which have limited financial resources from which to pay rental fees. The NOMINAL FEE category is also intended for larger family functions (greater than 40 attendees) held at Grace by members. Examples: wedding receptions, family reunions.


6.     The intent of the REGULAR FEE category is to recoup actual costs of providing facility use to outside groups, and to non-member families and individuals.


7.     Fee payments are due in the GLC office at least one week before the scheduled event; unpaid fees may result in cancellation of the event. Donations can be made after the event.


8.     The money received from facility use will be deposited into the Misc. income account in the budget.


9.     The usual length of time for usage of facilities under the fee schedule is 4 hours or less.​


10.   Fee schedule, usage checklist and Use Agreement and Release form are found when accessing the Facility Usage Form. 



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300 S. Grant St.

Fairmont, MN 56031


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