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We can't wait to meet you!

No matter if this is your first time visiting or you've been here before, you are welcome!







What is it like?

As Christ’s church, we value the richness of God’s creation and welcome all people, appreciating our common humanity and our differences. We are a church that does not view diversity as a barrier to unity. We recognize and will challenge dynamics of power and privilege that create barriers to participation and equity in this church and society – for women, people of color, minority ethnic groups, people with disabilities, people who are marginalized or living in poverty, and the LGBTQ community.


What about my kids?

Worship is for all members of God’s family; but if little ones need to move, the PLAYROOM is located on Grace’s lowest level. The Gathering Area is also a great place to be with your child. During worship children may commune at any age or receive a blessing. They are invited to take an instrument to their seats to play during the worship service final song. Children are also invited to come forward to the steps for a kid's time with the pastor and later place their offering in a special basket when the congregation gives their offering. This Youth Loaves and Fishes offering goes to the Grace Pantry to serve our guests in need.


Where do I park?

We have a large parking lot located in the back of the church. There are 5 handicap accessible spots right next to the back entrance, which is closest to the elevator.  On-street parking is also available in front of the church, on Grant Street. Note that this is not a handicap accessible entrance.  


What do I wear?

You are welcome to wear comfortable clothes when you worship at Grace.  


How can I get connected?

We love hearing from you. If you would like to request facility use, have a question about our service, groups or simply just want to say hello, please send us a message under the "contact" tab. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to call us at 507-238-4418, or stop by the Church during our office hours, and we will be happy to speak with you!



We welcome new members to Grace at anytime. We offer a "pizza with the pastors " a casual informational lunch at the beginning of the calendar year. You may also have your membership transferred from your current church. If you have questions, please call and ask for Pastor Allison (507-238-4418) or contact Grace for more information-


Here is a brochure of our regular activities and ministry contacts. If you'd like more information or to get involved, please contact the ministry Chair or one of the pastors.



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Contact Us

300 S. Grant St.

Fairmont, MN 56031


Connect with us

We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person--questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.

© 2022 Grace Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved

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